We will get to wellness and resolutions next, but first I think its important we get a measure of perspective.
My own experience of the start of this year and maybe every year, is this furious need to create order and better efficiencies. I have this sense that if I can create structures that hold my life together in a really organised way, that there will be more space for me to flow and be creative. And I have placed so much pressure on myself these past few weeks to accomplish this. To the degree that it’s made me a little tearful and not at all, in the flow.
I have also been trying to write this newsletter for six weeks and the words just haven’t come. Always a bad sign for me!
And then I stumbled across this quote from Mary Oliver, about being a tiny nail in the house of the universe. And a deep breath was released from my need for order, control, outcomes, extra mural time tables, exercise regimes, dinner plans… And I was reminded, that if we zoom out, as far out as we can imagine, with our limited imaginings of space and magnitude, that we will find ourselves witness to our lives; as a minuscule flash in the arc of time and being.
And this doesn’t make it unimportant to be here and to show up, but it reminds us, that in the greater scheme of things, it doesn’t matter as much. So long as we are kind to one another. The rest is just the trance of materialism, capitalism, the measures of success in 2023. It’s all just a story we are writing collectively. What is real, is how we treat one another and ourselves.
So I am taking a different approach. None of this fanaticism for order. It’s not in my bones. I’m taking the more celestial road. I’m not suggesting that’s the road for you too, but I am suggesting that you take a moment to zoom out, far, far, far out and remind yourself, it’s just a tiny flash in a grand pan or plan. And it’s ok if you didn’t get a PhD or a Nobel Peace Prize.
Just be kind and remember to have a fun time.
Love, Skye and the HwH team